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Pes6Stars - All Finished Matches (No match from lobby friendly)

For matches that played in lobby friendly, ->Click here!

made by great man -> Marcos Flores

(thanks to ps2online community for flags. Flags has only set for "no patch". It's not possible to set for other patches.

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
4872 mando
4 - 2wahidtchiko
2015-01-30 01:06:00
4871 Musa-MKD-
5 - 4Fikata
2015-01-30 01:05:55
4870 --..MeKnaSsy..--
4 - 0sasa
2015-01-30 00:59:17
4869 Memy_Bml
2 - 1mumy--bsC
2015-01-30 00:57:24
4868 Vela11
4 - 4Mildjor
2015-01-30 00:54:47
6 - 0MESSI10
2015-01-30 00:54:39
4866 BoGY-Man
0 - 1mishoalmasry
2015-01-30 00:53:54
4865 _-Bale_-cr7_-
7 - 5-_el3med_-
2015-01-30 00:52:08
4864 anas
1 - 3Diavle
2015-01-30 00:52:01
4863 Jovic__BSC
3 - 5No_Mercyy
2015-01-30 00:45:44
4862 Musa-MKD-
5 - 1Fikata
2015-01-30 00:42:42
4861 ITachi
2 - 0Q.iTachi-Uchiha.Q
2015-01-30 00:41:44
4860 Samke
1 - 4Nagi1946
2015-01-30 00:40:59
4859 Simo-Madridista
4 - 1bodaa
2015-01-30 00:40:58
4858 mumy--bsC
0 - 4Memy_Bml
2015-01-30 00:40:17
4857 deo_from_zg
1 - 2.FRANE
2015-01-30 00:39:26
4856 Ahmed_Ayman
5 - 1OmarGamal
2015-01-30 00:38:46
4855 mishoalmasry
1 - 0D.A.H.A.B
2015-01-30 00:38:12
4854 BiSo
0 - 5karem
2015-01-30 00:37:17
4853 Vegetta777
0 - 2-JRR10-
2015-01-30 00:34:06