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Pes6Stars - All Finished Matches (No match from lobby friendly)

For matches that played in lobby friendly, ->Click here!

made by great man -> Marcos Flores

(thanks to ps2online community for flags. Flags has only set for "no patch". It's not possible to set for other patches.

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
5218 Ahmed7
1 - 2wael
2015-01-31 00:01:17
5217 josexD
0 - 3stefanogrone
2015-01-31 00:01:01
5216 Jovic__BSC
2 - 1CakaniJr
2015-01-30 23:57:26
5215 MESSI10
0 - 1medohoba
2015-01-30 23:57:19
5214 mishoalmasry
2015-01-30 23:53:41
5213 Murinjo
1 - 2Mata_BSC
2015-01-30 23:52:44
5212 luisgarcia10e
4 - 1Denis_Bml
2015-01-30 23:51:15
5211 VuleBSC
1 - 2Mato.bsc
2015-01-30 23:49:58
5210 UltrasAhlawy74
2 - 5BEsO_cr7
2015-01-30 23:47:51
5209 TsuBaSa
2 - 3chule
2015-01-30 23:46:25
5208 Optimuse_BSC
4 - 4lokay
2015-01-30 23:42:42
5207 GauchoRZ
3 - 1.FRANE
2015-01-30 23:41:36
5206 BraianCarp36
1 - 1LeeitoCai
2015-01-30 23:41:25
5205 Jorges_98
0 - 02Minutos
2015-01-30 23:35:14
5204 Murinjo
3 - 1Mata_BSC
2015-01-30 23:30:49
5203 TsuBaSa
0 - 0chule
2015-01-30 23:30:37
5202 Moussine
0 - 2_-KhALiDooS-_
2015-01-30 23:30:01
5201 VuleBSC
2 - 3Mato.bsc
2015-01-30 23:27:32
5200 Tre
2 - 3Dwimmer
2015-01-30 23:25:07
5199 R1F3T
3 - 2CakaniJr
2015-01-30 23:23:32