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Pes6Stars - All Finished Matches (No match from lobby friendly)

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made by great man -> Marcos Flores

(thanks to ps2online community for flags. Flags has only set for "no patch". It's not possible to set for other patches.

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
1658 mukitm87
0 - 2Muni
2015-01-21 01:10:25
1657 FrancoCai7
2 - 1ElCoty777
2015-01-21 01:06:44
1656 Sinbad
5 - 5Miluta72
2015-01-21 01:06:20
1655 COMAN
1 - 0d1namic
2015-01-21 01:02:25
1654 Magician-BML
4 - 5Elvis1991
2015-01-21 00:58:43
1653 denis1986
3 - 2luisgarcia10e
2015-01-21 00:57:58
1652 mazzika
3 - 2neno
2015-01-21 00:57:57
1651 bychara
5 - 6vaha
2015-01-21 00:50:13
1650 mukitm87
1 - 2Muni
2015-01-21 00:50:12
1649 El_Conde
3 - 0Diego
2015-01-21 00:46:36
1648 COMAN
2 - 1d1namic
2015-01-21 00:46:23
1647 matias.grandi
0 - 6MILAN
2015-01-21 00:40:51
1646 _Mimo_
2 - 2king-pro_futer
2015-01-21 00:33:50
1645 Sinbad
6 - 5Elvis1991
2015-01-21 00:32:33
1644 denis1986
3 - 1Miluta72
2015-01-21 00:29:47
1643 mukitm87
5 - 2Muni
2015-01-21 00:28:35
1642 Diavle
2015-01-21 00:28:31
1641 -BoDy-
2 - 3A7medCr7
2015-01-21 00:28:25
1640 Ballio
6 - 5ali_07
2015-01-21 00:27:59
1639 mazzika
5 - 7neno
2015-01-21 00:27:58