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Pes6Stars - All Finished Matches (No match from lobby friendly)

For matches that played in lobby friendly, ->Click here!

made by great man -> Marcos Flores

(thanks to ps2online community for flags. Flags has only set for "no patch". It's not possible to set for other patches.

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
3617527 M7med_
5 - 3Elnenny_
2025-02-04 01:24:11
3617526 mohamedsadek
5 - 1adkste
2025-02-04 01:23:47
3617525 _GOMGOMA_
1 - 4-FreePalestine-
2025-02-04 01:22:24
3617524 Cure
1 - 3Thejocker
2025-02-04 01:20:48
3617523 Ivanelpenetrador
2025-02-04 01:18:42
3617522 Popara99
5 - 2-Leipzig-
2025-02-04 01:18:40
3617521 agustinbigel
3 - 0tuvieja12345
2025-02-04 01:16:13
3617520 ANN0D0M1N1
3 - 2Wenoid
2025-02-04 01:14:55
3617519 Booba-II
3 - 0Zsc-1911
2025-02-04 01:13:02
3617518 RUSS_
3 - 0AEMN_912
2025-02-04 01:12:29
3617517 ELANSARY
2 - 4LeoNasr
2025-02-04 01:11:51
3617516 OussamaT99
1 - 5RedVenom35
2025-02-04 01:11:29
3617515 Zenicaninn
5 - 3agicc
2025-02-04 01:10:28
3617514 atrevidopai
4 - 3Titin47
2025-02-04 01:07:22
3617513 zakaria1234
0 - 1mohamedsadek
2025-02-04 01:06:03
3617512 Thpalermo
5 - 6moja
2025-02-04 01:04:44
3617511 Popara99
2 - 1-Leipzig-
2025-02-04 01:03:05
3617510 -.-.-
0 - 1Cure
2025-02-04 01:02:56
3617509 M7med_
7 - 1Elnenny_
2025-02-04 01:01:39
3617508 OussamaT99
2 - 1RedVenom35
2025-02-04 00:59:17