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Pes6Stars - All Finished Matches (No match from lobby friendly)

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made by great man -> Marcos Flores

(thanks to ps2online community for flags. Flags has only set for "no patch". It's not possible to set for other patches.

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
3603589 Dinhoxd
1 - 0Ketchup
2025-01-13 04:22:05
3603588 ChadlyGarcia
0 - 41995RR
2025-01-13 04:21:31
1 - 2dodofc
2025-01-13 04:19:21
3603586 pedrin08
3 - 3ENZO_91231
2025-01-13 04:17:38
3603585 puredepapas
4 - 1lokuramix
2025-01-13 04:17:15
3603584 Ricardo.Fort
2 - 0fer5
2025-01-13 04:15:33
3603583 Elmachogood
4 - 3Lasser
2025-01-13 04:15:19
3603582 lelo
2 - 1degoal
2025-01-13 04:14:13
3603581 elmesitombo
2 - 1EduardoMarica
2025-01-13 04:11:39
3603580 Leokati
7 - 1AF
2025-01-13 04:11:06
3603579 ProPlan15Kg
5 - 4Fachipolla
2025-01-13 04:10:28
3603578 DESMON2
6 - 2NORcito
2025-01-13 04:10:10
3603577 Ricardo.Fort
5 - 0fer5
2025-01-13 04:08:31
3603576 Donja
3 - 1MarioBaracus
2025-01-13 04:07:02
3603575 ChadlyGarcia
0 - 31995RR
2025-01-13 04:06:54
3603574 emilianosa
2025-01-13 04:04:12
3603573 Ricardo.Fort
4 - 0fer5
2025-01-13 04:00:11
3603572 pedrin08
2 - 3ENZO_91231
2025-01-13 03:57:54
3603571 Elmachogood
0 - 1Lasser
2025-01-13 03:53:39
3603570 ChadlyGarcia
6 - 21995RR
2025-01-13 03:52:36