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Pes6Stars - Finished Matches (played where lobby friendly since Feb. 6, 2021)

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made by great man -> Marcos Flores

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
35735 younessamarir
0 - 3mastere
2022-10-16 14:24:04
35734 Ayo_ouB
1 - 4_.SaDio._
2022-10-16 14:07:08
35733 GAKA_
2 - 0HoDon
2022-10-16 14:04:03
35732 HoDon
1 - 0GAKA_
2022-10-16 13:38:00
35731 Pipac
3 - 1AleksaM2
2022-10-16 12:04:36
35730 Pipac
3 - 2AleksaM2
2022-10-16 11:49:26
35729 Pipac
2 - 3AleksaM2
2022-10-16 11:30:43
35728 Pipac
1 - 3AleksaM2
2022-10-16 11:12:15
35727 Katakuri
4 - 1nicehangpe
2022-10-16 10:24:59
35726 Katakuri
3 - 0nicehangpe
2022-10-16 10:07:30
35725 Chenkuu
3 - 2football_3
2022-10-16 10:01:01
35724 football_3
0 - 0Chenkuu
2022-10-16 09:45:31
35723 Katakuri
2 - 3nicehangpe
2022-10-16 09:39:39
35722 Katakuri
1 - 0nicehangpe
2022-10-16 09:22:05
35721 Jesuskick
0 - 1football_3
2022-10-16 09:14:18
35720 Katakuri
1 - 2nicehangpe
2022-10-16 09:05:26
35719 football_3
3 - 2Jesuskick
2022-10-16 08:48:49
35718 nicehangpe
0 - 4Jesuskick
2022-10-16 08:17:07
35717 Jesuskick
0 - 1nicehangpe
2022-10-16 08:01:33
35716 --Romario--
1 - 3-Midoo--
2022-10-16 04:14:38