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Pes6Stars - Finished Matches (played where lobby friendly since Feb. 6, 2021)

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made by great man -> Marcos Flores

Match ID Team GroupHome Home Result Away GroupAway Team Date
34764 No.10_Tsubasa
8 - 0samjeong
2022-10-01 15:36:47
34763 No.10_Tsubasa
4 - 1samjeong
2022-10-01 15:19:49
34762 M.Yousry
4 - 3Farouq15
2022-10-01 13:54:41
34761 M.Yousry
4 - 1Farouq15
2022-10-01 13:37:22
34760 -.-.-
3 - 1The_Viking
2022-10-01 02:54:35
34759 -.-.-
0 - 1wail-chikour
2022-10-01 02:32:25
34758 BHA
1 - 2The_Viking
2022-10-01 02:28:07
34757 Grillosal2
1 - 2owen87
2022-10-01 02:23:58
34756 -.-.-
2 - 2wail-chikour
2022-10-01 02:16:38
34755 BHA
1 - 3The_Viking
2022-10-01 02:14:57
34754 Grillosal2
1 - 2owen87
2022-10-01 02:08:28
34753 owen87
0 - 1Grillosal2
2022-10-01 01:51:37
34752 The_Viking
7 - 1wail-chikour
2022-10-01 01:40:31
34751 Ghano_26
2 - 4BHA
2022-10-01 01:36:47
34750 Grillosal2
3 - 0owen87
2022-10-01 01:24:20
34749 DANITH09
5 - 0Penta23
2022-10-01 01:21:04
34748 Ghano_26
3 - 1wail-chikour
2022-10-01 01:20:01
34747 Eskins
4 - 3Pumpeeed
2022-10-01 01:19:35
34746 BHA
3 - 1The_Viking
2022-10-01 01:12:07
34745 Grillosal2
2 - 1owen87
2022-10-01 01:07:44