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  1. A.Griezmann (also known as bison, L. Insigne and many other profile) calling for 1 vs 1 game and then DC's .. and he is also insulting other players in the lobby every day.. https://vimeo.com/333595437
  2. https://youtu.be/gSz_Cg1tylY
  3. https://youtu.be/VYVCZp_NTSM
  4. https://youtu.be/4qPiNyM38VU
  5. Hi admin please bann this new ARGETINA player is a dc cheater, yesterday i was winning 5-2 and Nse of argentina disconect only look his profile and check his logs he is an Argetina noob player and dc cheater bann him http://uploads.im/MfNVT.jpg
  6. Hi admin please bann this new ARGETINA player is a dc cheater, yesterday i was winning 5-2 and Nse of argentina disconect only look his profile and check his logs he is an Argetina noob player and dc cheater bann him <a href="http://uploads.im/MfNVT.jpg"><img src="http://sm.uploads.im/t/MfNVT.jpg" border="0" /></a> http://uploads.im/MfNVT.jpg
  7. Nesto is #11 in the ranking because he is a dc cheater.
  8. - DC Cheater InGame Name : martincorporex - Any Prove (ingame Picture or Video) : Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UomKppGIdDY&feature=youtu.be - Describe what he made : I left 2 times in a row and one is forgiven according to why his Internet went when he scored and now the shameless pull the cable. Please, I need the win thanks in advance!
  9. - DC Cheater InGame Name : patricio - Any Prove (ingame Picture or Video) : Video https://youtu.be/e7HCuVKz8mI - Describe what he made : He came out when I was winning, at first everything was going well I was winning comfortably and I tied in the second half with my mistakes, but I put the goal there for the 78 and I had more possession of the ball, had a lag Terrible and so juge, please I need the triumph and a disconnection to this guy who mocks and abandons constantly, thanks in advance brother.
  10. - DC Cheater InGame Name : OLA - Any Prove (ingame Picture or Video) : Video https://youtu.be/NfyO6zxryGw - Describe what he made : It came out when I scored my goal in the last minutes, how unfair that this turkey goes out that way, it was dirty in the back and I play better all the game, please brother Agh37 I need my victory and a disconnection, Thanks in advance.
  11. - DC Cheater InGame Name : balabol1990 - Any Prove (ingame Picture or Video) : Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhDFqplxcVw&feature=youtu.be - Describe what he made : It came out when I scored my second goal must be a bad loser, and I play with a lag of the ostia and he was insulting me, but I want my win, thank you for seeing him.
  12. - DC Cheater InGame Name : tarigte - Any Prove (ingame Picture or Video) : Video https://youtu.be/jWKMtvQ_R2o https://youtu.be/wY5bzeQRr7U - Describe what he made : He left in the halftime was winning 2-0 very comfortable and therefore pulls cable.
  13. - DC Cheater InGame Name : MBK - Any Prove (ingame Picture or Video) : Video https://youtu.be/tDCPOE4tFyI - Describe what he made : He was insulting me every time and I play the game with lag but everything was going well I was gaining him then I go back and in the end I went back to him it was a crazy party with failures and mistakes in defense but he left already when he was winning and it was finished The party, this is unfair, please give me the victory and a disconnection to that guy, thanks in advance brother ahg37.
  14. - DC Cheater InGame Name : Belmin28 - Any Prove (ingame Picture or Video) : Video https://youtu.be/pijrepV9b-s https://youtu.be/HzvqR_dS8Ec https://youtu.be/P1_m8iOxiBE - Describe what he made : He was throwing lag in my time without it, then the dirty one sweeps when I go to the area and get the red one, after a few seconds he sweeps and commits me criminal my player throws him alone in the middle and I did not move anything , He was bothering with the lag I paused when I reached the area of the opposite. Please I need to be banned or a disconnection thanks in advance. Note: I only set the game for 5 min.
  15. - DC Cheater InGame Name : barbarous - Any Prove (ingame Picture or Video) : Video https://youtu.be/fp2_tvhb8c4 - Describe what he made : He is using that shit called Total Control, it should be banned forever and never play again, these are the most dirty and brazen players.
  16. - DC Cheater InGame Name : CristianSilva - Any Prove (ingame Picture or Video) : Video https://youtu.be/XYkEuMRnD7g - Describe what he made : He left when I won 3-0 I can not believe they left that way. Please, I need the win thanks in advance.
  17. - DC Cheater InGame Name : MasterRobbery - Any Prove (ingame Picture or Video) : Video https://youtu.be/i2uYavn7yb4 - Describe what he made: It came out when I was winning 1-0 and told me I was recording in case I got out, what he did was in the 58 min and I was playing well and I was going to win easily. Please, I need my victory or a few days' rest. This is not fair play.
  18. - DC Cheater InGame Name : joseguzman - Any Prove (ingame Picture or Video) : Video https://youtu.be/GgmGhA8MtfU - Describe what he made :He left when he scored a penalty, everything went well without lag and left immediately must be a recurrent who leaves when he loses. Please, I need my victory and thank you in advance.
  19. - DC Cheater InGame Name : Oswaldito - Any Prove (ingame Picture or Video) : video https://youtu.be/jEXhS7w3M9g - Describe what he made : It came out when we scored the 3 goal and must be a constant in doing so when it loses.
  20. - DC Cheater InGame Name : Jhonscb. - Any Prove (ingame Picture or Video) : pictures https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/117140449960880732952/album/6394895147968124513/6394895149216591250?authkey=CKSAwq6y7fK0XA - Describe what he made : He had lag in the first half and so played, so he was pausing the game when I had chances and he must be recurrent in leaving the game.
  21. my ingame name: MaraZolaname that was disconnected: nasro90 you can see his name in 0:16 https://sendvid.com/xez8zv4a
  22. he disconnect game a game before with me so i waited to see his disconnect name that was disconnected: AhmedSalem https://sendvid.com/5hnieu1c
  23. my ingame name: MaraZola name that was disconnected: Dios10 http://sendvid.com/7fdvfi4b
  24. PICHIRILO disconnect at last minutes when losing 1-2 his name is visible in 0:26 link http://sendvid.com/sfxi3fsn
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