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Found 3 results

  1. Hey Admin, why can't I enter lobbies? I've been trying since yesterday but I can't enter any lobby with my account "Pes6stars"
  2. Format of report hacker ! If you saw anyone Hacker or Disconnect while he is a loser to keep his rank up. make a topic Here or Report at our <discord> channel! With this things - DC Cheater InGame Name : - When you played this match? : - Any Prove (ingame Picture or Video) : - Describe what he made : If You don't make Complaint with this things your complaint will be DENIED ! Proofs (Picture or Video) INSULTING to family will result 15 day BAN! TOTAL CONTROL and Dream Patch (Transfer Cheat) cheats must be reported as video. Than will result to BAN FOREVER! No one allowed to reply to a topic not related to him or the three persons in case of 2vs2 matches, Who replay will receive 10 warning points for 5 days and will be removed within 5 days automatically. When we remove all than we can't know who cheater. Players need accept this if they here for fun. Fair & fun players will not care to something 'count'. and topics will not be closed until dc's reply ============================================= NEW RULE (03/01/2017) You guys will get your scores back by us! HOW? Report cheaters by using video program and get your scores back! Here is a example that what I'm talking about; https://Pes6Stars.cf/forum/index.php/topic/623-msi10-dc/ ============================================= NEW RULE (02/03/2017) Now we accept pictures for disconnects too... here is an example : https://Pes6Stars.cf/forum/index.php?/topic/1419-minoo30-dc/
  3. How to Play on Pes6Stars Server? Since 2015! English First : Download hosts file From Here ! Put Hosts File In "\Windows\System32\drivers\etc" and overwrite the hosts file ( Replace The File ) Second : Go to http://Pes6Stars.us.to:8190 and Register your account how to find my serial (registarition code) Pes6Stars.us.to/howtogetserial.png and Put your Username and Password (must be 3+ letters. However, it will not work if the total number of characters exceeds 30!) Third : Open settings and click "online" tab and write manual port as 5739 and click ok. than Open game and Go Networks and In Password Put your Username-Password For example: If You Register with username Pes6 and password : abc123 so in password Put : Pes6-abc123 Enjoy Playing! French première: Télécharger fichier hosts De là ! Mettez fichier hosts dans "\Windows\System32\drivers\etc" Sinon et le fichier hosts (remplacer le fichier) Deuxièmement: Allez à http://Pes6Stars.us.to:8190 et Créer votre compte Série dans la plupart des cas est Pes6Stars.us.to/howtogetserial.png et de mettre votre nom d'utilisateur et mot de passe Troisième: jeu ouvert et GO Networks et Mot de passe Mettez votre Nom d'utilisateur Mot de passe- Par exemple: Nom d'utilisateur: Pes6 Mot de passe: abc123 Vous devez donc mettre en Mot de passe Pes6-abc123 Profitez de jouer! Ελληνικά (Greek) (by Stavrello) Πρώτον: Κατεβάστε το host από εδώ -> https://Pes6Stars.us.to/hosts Τοποθετήστε το χοστ σε αυτή την διαδρομή "\Windows\System32\drivers\etc" και επιλέξτε Αντικατάσταση του αρχείου. Δεύτερον: Μπαίνετε εδώ http://Pes6Stars.us.to:8190 και δημιουργήστε λογαριασμό δηλώνοντας username και password (πάνω απο 3 χαρακ/ρες) -Πως θα βρω το serial; (registarition code) Επιλέξτε απο το μενού των windows Εναρξη, πληκτρολογήστε "regedit" + Enter και ακολουθήστε τις οδηγίες απο εδώ: Pes6Stars.us.to/howtogetserial.png Τρίτον: Ανοίξτε το settings.exe και στην επιλογή "online" δηλώστε manual port: 5739 και μετά ΟΚ. Τέλος ανοίγετε το παιχνίδι και επιλέγετε από το μενού Network (Online) και συμπληρώστε τα στοιχεία σας με την μορφή username-password Για παράδειγμα: εαν εχετε username: Pes6 και password: abc123 πρέπει να γράψετε Pes6-abc123 ΚΑΛΗ ΔΙΑΣΚΕΔΑΣΗ!! ============================================ Spanish, Crotian, Serbian, Bosnian, Turkish and languages who added here in this link ; https://mediafire.com/folder/vicnki9089cvx/ If missing your language translate and send us please.. Discord channel : www.Pes6Stars.us.to/discord
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