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Ahg37 last won the day on June 22

Ahg37 had the most liked content!

About Ahg37

  • Birthday 06/26/1995

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  1. Show your proof please. We only deal with proofs like screenshot or video.
  2. Ahg37

    need help

    Eğer bilgilerinizi unuttuysanız veya emin değilseniz Buraya gidin : http://Pes6Stars.us.to:8190 ve tekrar kayıt olun. Kullanıcı adı (username) ve şifre (password) sayı ile harf dışında çizgi, nokta veya ünlem gibi işaret ve türkçe karakter içermesin. Oluşturduktan sonra oyun içerisinden network moduna gidin. karşınıza "Welcome to Pes6Stars.us.to Server" mesajı geldiğinden emin olun. Gördükten sonra tepede "Login" yazana kadar devam edin ve "password" yazan yer yanıp sönmeye başladığında enter'a basın ve kullanıcı adı ile şifrenizi arada çizgi olacak şekilde yazın Örneğin ; Eğer kullanıcı adınız Pes6 ve şifreniz abc123 ise password yazan (yanıp sönen) yere : Pes6-abc123 yazın. Aynı bu şekilde nasıl yazıyorsa öyle yazın. Doğru yazdığında karşınıza "select player profile" ekranı gelicektir ve profil oluşturup oynamak için devam edebilirsiniz. Sorun devam ederse veya başka bir sorun olursa discord üzerinden yardımcı olabilirim. Rumuzum @byAh37 discord sunucumuz : https://discord.com/invite/XWxQ3BhPHN - Teşekkürler
  3. hello, if you have discord you can come and we can talk about it detailedly https://discord.com/invite/XWxQ3BhPHN
  4. you can see this screen sometime when we so much under ddos attack
  5. you telling him "stupid" than he telling you this words. Your insult and his insult are personal insults and we have block chat for this kinda personal insults. Go to his profile push the circle button and it will add him to your block list and you will not see message from him anymore. For ban anyone it must be insult to any family person or being racist etc.
  6. what was the minute of dc? what was the score? did you use @dc command? if you dont know you can watch this simple video to get your well deserved victory back but remind this that @dc command only adding the last score of the game;
  7. @ronaldinho10need forgive Okey, lucio can. But your ban reason is insulting. Apologize from @ronaldinho10
  8. lucio can not and problem is insult
  9. Thanks for the your shared informations. But they both ask you not to and not to get involved in a subject that you are not related to. Why don't you want to understand this?
  10. Supermove is not about body balance. Nobody can't do supermove because of different body balance.
  11. Why don't you prove this with a video? I will thank you if you can prove it.
  12. Cheaters can change features during a match. However, the reason you got banned is because you insulted his family.
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